Youth + Disability + Health & Wellbeing + Environment & Conservation + Aged Services


Please note, applications for our 19th annual Community Grants Round, closed at 5pm sharp, Friday September 29th.

This year, for the first time in the grant’s history, a funding stream to address the long-term planning required in the era of disasters has been added. The Thriving Together three-year grant is a maximum total of $120,000 in funding, which will be paid in three annual instalments of up to $40,000 per year. It is just one of four funding streams available.

The NRCF Community Grant 2023/24 funding streams are:

Local Impact: Small grants supporting grass roots organisations to strengthen and enhance our regional communities. Up to $10,000 per grant, from a total funding pool of $265,000.

Housing and Homelessness: Funding to progress innovative models and/or provide locally appropriate housing outcomes for people on low to medium incomes. One grant up to $50,000.

Recovery and Resilience: Supporting community in the recovery from recent disasters including COVID-19, bushfires and floods. Four grants of up to $25,000.

Thriving Together: A three-year grant, supporting a high potential, community-driven project in disaster impacted communities. One grant of up to $120,000 total across the three years.

These grants are made possible thanks to our generous grant program partners Paul Ramsay Foundation, Portland House Foundation, The Siddle Foundation, The James Frizelle Charitable Foundation,  Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, The Dunnet Foundation and Global Giving.

You can view our past Community Grants recipients here.

Youth + Disability + Health & Wellbeing + Environment & Conservation + Aged Services