Donate Now to the Resilience and Regeneration Fund

Helping our community recover from crisis

How your donation helps in, and after a disaster

Your donation to the Resilience and Regeneration Fund helps strengthen community capacity to respond to disasters - not only in the immediate aftermath, but in ongoing recovery.

What does this cover?
This Fund supports communities to regenerate after disasters such as health pandemics, fires or floods. This includes recovery and resilience, preparedness and mitigation.

What does this look like?

We support individuals and communities in the early, medium and long-term recovery phases, following the emergency relief effort. This is the time when some systems are in place, people are transitioning out of survival, and can turn to rebuilding their lives.

The Recovery and Resilience Fund means that NRCF can be responsive to unfolding disasters and provide recovery support when needed most. This includes the current bushfires burning in the Clarence and Tenterfield Local Government Areas. Both of these regions were heavily impacted in the 2019/20 Black Summer Bushfires and now again in the 2023 bushfire season.

Your donation at this time will support recovery in these communities, as well as helping build the Resilience and Regeneration Fund for ongoing recovery efforts - a process we know takes time and dedication.

NRCF's Resilience and Regeneration Fund was established by NRCF in early 2020, with the support of the Portland House Foundation, the James Frizelle Charitable Foundation, Yulgilbar Foundation and Global Giving. This fund has been instrumental in the disaster response to bushfires, the pandemic and flooding events. 

Supporting Partners

James Frizelle Charitable Foundation

The Portland House Foundation

The Yulgibar Foundation

Global Giving



Thank you to all of our generous donors, including:

John Callanan, Josie Wolanski, Peter & Carole Lamont, Charmian Bourne, Lynda Dean, Judith Berry, Juanita Keen, Lydia Plowright & Stephen Grant

Messages of support

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