Research, Respond, Recover:
Are you a leader for a community organisation in the Northern Rivers? Would you share your insights on our region, post flood?
We’d like to ask for your help with our research so we can build our understanding and ability to support our community.
The Northern Rivers has come a long way in the last 12 months since the floods impacted our region, but we know there’s plenty still to be done. In the weeks following the disaster, the NRCF, called 300+ community organisations across the region to understand the impact of the disaster. Our research project assisted us to identify community organisations requiring immediate support and led to almost $1M in rapid response grants.
We will conduct this research annually for the next 3-4 years to understand the need in our community, the impact of the flood, and the trajectory of recovery and resilience. This will inform our programs and be invaluable information for our partners in the region’s recovery.
We’d be grateful for your insights. Click here to complete the short survey and be part of this research:
Feel free to share it with colleagues in your organisation. If you have any questions, please give our team a call.
Photo credit: Nat McComas @natmccomas
With thanks,
Jen & Kyla
Northern Rivers Community Foundation
T: 0499 862 886