Grant Recipients

Community Resilience Grant Recipients

$1 million dollar funding boost for local community groups to support the Northern Rivers ongoing flood recovery

We are proud to be facilitating the Community Resilience Grants Program, which will deliver funding to support the ongoing medium and long-term flood recovery in our region.

Funded by the NSW Government, 20 vital organisations and community groups across the region have been supported so far, ensuring they can build on the incredible efforts they've already made in disaster recovery.

The program recognises the invaluable role that communication networks played during the floods and several of these projects focus on improving and implementing community-built systems to ensure a swifter and more effective response to future challenges.

Others are using the funds to expand essential flood recovery services offering a lifeline to those who continue to struggle financially; and as a way of rebuilding communities through support hubs, including crucial mental health support services for young people.

We celebrate these 20 incredible projects and the countless others who continue to support their communities. Together, we strive to not only rebuild, but emerge stronger as a community.

Resilient Uki - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Resilient Uki

Building on initial flood recovery efforts, this project support community recovery through a multi-dimensional approach. The project will support the establishment of a volunteer run self-sustaining tool library, accessible to all as well as the creation of a central hub in the village providing information and resources, fostering collaboration through "working bee" projects. It will also encourage the sharing of research on community asset management, exploring possibilities for collaboration and support across the region.  


Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Pottsville Beach Neighbourhood Centre


This project equips communities across the Northern Rivers by providing practical Budget Education Kits and training to frontline workers supporting flood-impacted clients, empowering individuals and families to take control of their finances and reduce reliance on support services. From contemporary hard-copy guides with digital resources to tailored training and coaching, it aims to build financial self-sufficiency one step at a time, strengthening financial resilience and continued flood recovery.  


Nimbin Independent Media Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Nimbin Independent Media Inc.


Building on work during the floods and aftermath and commitment to keep the community connected in good time and bad, the project will replace the existing analogue broadcast desk with a hybrid digital/analogue desk which will incorporate a raft of digital communication platforms (Skype, WhatsApp, text messaging, etc). This will allow the community to maintain 2-way communication with the station during times of crisis, thereby reducing isolation and fostering resilience through shared information and updated knowledge. In our local mountainous region of steep-sided valleys and isolated communities, knowledge of the current conditions through community input and feedback can be vital in directing emergency services in, and local residents out. 


Returning Indigenous Corporation - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Returning Indigenous Corporation


Led by qualified Indigenous facilitators, the program provides free, accessible health and wellbeing community days for Indigenous mothers, Elders and carers continuing to be impacted by the 2022 floods. Held once a month over 9 months at the Koori Mail in Lismore, the days will provide wellbeing treatments, naturopathy consultations, organic meals and tea, and yarning circles in the culturally safe and community-connected space. 25 percent of grant funding will support our Indigenous-led organisation to increase our capacity through team training and develop longer-term financial independence and self-sufficiency through the development of a new website which allows for the capacity to develop new income streams. 


Burringbar Community Association


The project addresses the ongoing recovery needs of our community, through the delivery of a community-led Disaster Management Plan - a practical manual to prepare for and manage the recovery phase; the purchase of a UHF radio network for vulnerable isolated locations; community engagement, and distribution of a handy reference guide for residents of local support services. Funding will also support the delivery of a Community Resilience Event: Family-friendly community event where first aid, defibulator use and radio operation training will be provided. 


Christian Life Church - Kyogle - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Christian Life Church - Kyogle


The Donation Space in Kyogle aims to continue operations with added funding, working closely with agencies and Kyogle Council. The grant is crucial for maintaining a coordinator, keeping the Donation Space open, and conducting local outreaches for clients struggling to access current services. They are fully trained and organised to continue to give access to resources like GIVIT vouchers, goods, groceries, homemade meals, referrals, counselling and emotional support. Dedicated to enhancing resilience and well-being, the Donation Space is a one-stop hub and hopes to continue operations, standing as a reliable and valuable resource for those in need in Kyogle and  the villages they serve. 


Nimbin Neighbourhood & Information Centre - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Nimbin Neighbourhood & Information Centre


A project to restore community trust and cohesion, to address community fracturing caused by rolling disasters, by allowing community consultations on the Sustainable Nimbin Community Plan (SNCP) to rebuild a sense of empowerment and unity and refocus the community on working together to progress shared goals.  

Also to build the capacity of NNIC to provide ongoing recovery support services/activities, by enabling them to improve systems and management of large numbers of volunteers in a busy Centre where we provide services to their most vulnerable people. Their Food Relief projects are 100% run by volunteers and in 22-23 they distributed over 10 tonnes of food to people in need including flood impacted. 


Heart2Heart - Community Resilience Grant Recipient


This funding will deliver continuing support to flood-affected communities through a meal program, delivering delicious, nutritious vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options to families still feeling the impact. Frozen for flexibility, these meals provide warmth and comfort at outreach centres or in homes, giving communities a chance to gather and individuals the choice to cook at their own pace. By catering to dietary needs and avoiding common allergens, it will ensure everyone gets a plate that's good for them. It's more than just a meal; it's a helping hand and a shared table, supporting the recovery of community and building resilience. 


Main Arm Disaster Recovery - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Main Arm Disaster Recovery Incorporated


Creating three streams of community-led events at Kohinur Hall, this project fosters growth and connection by providing an informal space for collaboration across the Main Arm community, continuing to leverage recovery and resilience services, and building capacity and connection across the community. The events will focus on the following themes: NURTURING: Physical and mental resilience; NOURISHING: resilience and preparedness, including produce, plants, seedling and seed exchanges; and INSPIRING: Storytelling through creativity, building trust and confidence through music, film and the arts. 


Northern United RLFC - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Northern United RLFC

This will support the creation of collaborative responsive activities to meet the needs of young people. It focuses on providing holistic, quality cultural activities that build the capacity of our youth and community wellbeing. Being connected to Country and community is essential in the healing of our young people affected by the floods. The project will target activities that are youth led, relevant and culturally responsive to build stronger participation and cultural connections by delivering a range of coordinated activities within the Bundjalung Nation including Yarning Circles, Cultural Camps and other activities, an opportunity arises to build relationships, increase social skills, connect and heal. 


88.9FM Community Radio Coraki - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

88.9 FM - Community Radio Coraki

The Northern Rivers will always need its own recovery and resilience services when disasters strike. 88.9 is one of those services, with the communication skills and facilities to steer people to the organisations they need, 24/7 before, during and after disaster. We know that the “after” period of the Feb/March 2022 flooding is ongoing for many community members, and this project will support that ongoing recovery by ensuring the consistent delivery of local information through a walky-talky system.  


Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Mudyala Aboriginal Corporation


This project will support Aboriginal communities in the Northern Rivers Region that have been flood impacted and create a one-day community event in five separate Aboriginal communities to generate positive experiences, supporting the ongoing recovery. This program will capacity for our community and support services through documenting community engagement protocols for each community and providing the communities we visit with a way of making their own plans into how to move forward. 


North Coast Community College - Community Resilience Grnt Recipient

North Coast Community College


Funding will support participation in an inclusive teams-based event for flood affected young people, who have completed barista training. With a focus on teamwork, participation and fun, it offers something for everyone, including open mic performances, a dance challenge and connection. The event invites young people, community members and organisations to come together and enjoy coffee, food and music as our Baristas display their coffee making skills, building a sense of belonging to community and connection. 


Lismore & District Financial Counselling Service Inc - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Lismore & District Financial Counselling Service Inc


Funding will extend the delivery of the Flood Recovery Financial Counselling Service, supporting the ongoing regional recovery of communities from the 2022 floods. It will meet a critical need in our community, supporting two Flood Recovery Financial Counsellors to deliver this essential service.  


Mullumbimby District & NEighbourhood Centre - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre


Continuing to support our complex client group with local accessible free counselling with a social work approach. A community connector will provide ongoing access to a full suite of ancillary supports. The community connect role also further develops networks and referral pathways to other groups and services, providing emotional support provided with a broad systemic lens, to those still suffering from the impact of the 2022 floods. 


Human Nature Adventure Therapy Community Resilience Grant

Human Nature Adventure Therapy


The project will fund 160 x 3-hour sessions for up to 30 young people with therapists and mentors. This ‘engagement first’ approach ensures the critical resource for recovery: a restorative relationship which addresses the barriers to access. Young people will be supported to identify their goals, challenges and barriers, address their barriers through therapy, integrated case management & mentoring, and explore and build their capabilities through nature and adventure-based activities.


Wardell CORE Community Resilience Grant Recipient



This funding will extend life-saving services, sustain expertise, maintain social infrastructure and empower our community to create a lasting culture of resilience, adaptation and revival. It will ensure the continued delivery of relief programs supporting flood impact people including youth and family support, wellbeing services and preparedness activities, and place-based programs that create opportunities for participation, volunteerism, employment and training. Funding will also support the enhancement of organisational governance and management strategies, refinement of case management. 


Plan C - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Plan C


This project supports flood-affected communities in 6 LGAs through trauma-informed community gatherings, focusing on transitioning from trauma to resilience. It will feature sessions on trauma recovery and disaster resilience building, aimed at empowering participants with key tools and knowledge to recover and forge a path forward. These will take the form of social events, storytelling and First Nations Dadirri, for communal healing and connection, alongside volunteer activities for strengthening community bonds. A comprehensive referral system to mental health and support services will also be established as part of it, ensuring accessible guidance and resources for residents.


Agape Outreach - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Agape Outreach Inc.


This community recovery project continues to be a lifeline for hundreds in the wake of the floods. The project will support the ongoing delivery of Mental Health/Wellbeing Programs focusing on building resilience to empower individuals, providing guidance to prioritise health, enhance overall quality of life; particularly helpful to those at suicide risk, empowering emotional resilience. It will support the provision of services to the many who are still overwhelmed including meals, referral services, mental/health and domestic violence supportAnd sometimes, most importantly, it’s just offering a safe environment for those who need it.  


Queer Family Inc - Community Resilience Grant Recipient

Queer Family Inc.


Funding will build on the capacity of Queer Family to support the unique recovery and resilience needs of our community. The project will create and deliver a weekly program of activities to build resilience and support recovery and social (re)connection. These will cater to different interests/needs, as identified by our community, including bush walking, art, Auslan lessons, and evening groups including a drumming circle, life drawing, poetry/spoken word, book club. To be truly responsive to our community and adhere to co-design, recovery and resilience principles and program flexibility will be included.