‘Giving back is just something you should do’: Annie Chapelle

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Annie Chapelle, together with her husband, Franco, is the owner of Byron Bay Coffee Company and a long-time donor to the Northern Rivers Community Foundation (NRCF).

Annie and Franco started Byron Bay Coffee Company 35 years ago when they arrived in the Byron hinterland after leaving Sydney. What began as a small family venture has grown to become a thriving business with strong environmental credentials that supplies coffee to more than 100 cafes in Australia and Japan and 80+ retailers.

As part of NRCF’s 20 for 20 campaign to welcome 20 new sub-funds in our 20th year, Annie and Franco recently established a sub-fund of their own, the Byron Bay Coffee Company Fund.

In this Q&A Annie shares why she believes it’s important to give where you live, the joy she receives from being part of the NRCF giving community and what she loves most about living in the Northern Rivers.


Can you tell us about your giving journey and why you choose to give through the Northern Rivers Community Foundation?

AC: We heard about NRCF through friends and first got involved eight or so years ago. I was so impressed with everything NRCF was doing as a community-based organisation that helps our local community, so Franco and I decided we wanted to get involved.

It’s a really beautiful, heartfelt feeling to know that our donations help so many people who are less fortunate than us. And there are so many in our community who need support – even more these days after COVID and floods and fires.

At every grant announcement event at the end of the year I’m always so touched by the stories we hear about the work these amazing grassroots organisations are doing in our community and the people they’re helping. I’m moved to tears every year.

We absolutely love being a part of the NRCF giving community.


What did you decide to establish a sub-fund of your own at NRCF?

We believe strongly in the work NRCF is doing and opening the Byron Bay Coffee Company Fund seems like a great way for us to deepen our support, especially during NRCF’s 20th year.


As a local business owner, why do you think it’s important to give where you live?

I have always thought that the community helped make Byron Bay Coffee Company who we are today, so that’s why we have always given back to the community, whether it be to youth theatre, the arts, many, many different areas, and it makes you feel good.

And if you’ve become a successful company, then I think that giving back is just something you should do!

I also believe that giving starts at home and you have to look after your own community first.


What advice would you offer to someone who was thinking about being part of the NRCF giving community?

I would say, get involved! It’s not hard, it’s really easy. All you need to do is get in touch with one of the wonderful people who work there and they will assist you.

There are so many different levels of giving and different areas you can become involved with, like the Women’s Giving Circle, or leaving a bequest or making a regular donation to the Foundation. It doesn’t have to be a big amount of money to make a big difference in our community.

I think if you’ve got a business that’s done well in this community then it’s our duty to help people and give back.


What do you love most about living here in the Northern Rivers?

Well, everything! We brought our children up here for a change of life when they were quite young and even though they hated the fact that we lived on a farm during their teenage years, of course now they’re saying thank you for giving us that life of living on the farm and having a great, great time.

I love the friends we’ve made here, they’re very like-minded people. I love the ocean, the green, the mountains – just every single thing about this area really resonates for me.

There’s just something very, very special about this area and when you travel overseas or go interstate, when you come back, you just know you’re home. It’s that feeling of being home.

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