2023/24 Thriving Together Grant Recipient
Thriving Together funding stream $40,000 ($120,000 over 3 years)
The Thriving Together grant is the first multi-year grant in NRCF history, and is in response to community need for medium and long-term funding support.
This grant aims to help build the capacity and impact of a community organisation and their projects over a three-year period.
This funding stream was supported by the generosity of NRCF Funding Partner, Paul Ramsay Foundation.
The United Nations has adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by 2030. Each project in our 2022/23 Community Grants round is relevant to the goals as outlined below.

Wardell Community Organised Resilience Effort
A community-driven recovery centre in the flood impacted town of Wardell is this year’s recipient of the NRCF’s first multi-year grant. The Thriving Together Grant will assist WardellCore to continue its five days a week operation as a drop-in centre for the local region. Its offerings include mental health and crisis support, food, essential items and a variety of recovery services. WardellCore services community members from Broadwater to Ballina and beyond. Following the 2022 flooding disasters, a combination of poor living conditions, housing and income insecurity and disaster recovery burnout have created severe and ongoing social, economic, and psychological challenges. The hub is primarily operated by a team of dedicated volunteers but requires skilled management to oversee the projects. This funding will maintain the part time employment of a General Manager and an Operations Manager for three years.