Over 120 people, many of them new to NRCF functions, attended an information evening about NRCF with pro broadcaster Angela Catterns on Thursday April 4 at Rockinghorse Studios. Three recipients of annual grants spoke meaningfully about the difference NRCF had either made to them personally or to their organisations.
A new Sustainable Food & Agriculture Fund was launched on the night raising $12,500 to seed the Fund. Once the fund reaches $50,000, NRCF will be able to start distributing grants which will focus on supporting not for profit organisations with educational scholarships (eg. sending a young local person to study sustainable agriculture at University), site specific projects (eg. community gardens) and educational events such as Regenerative Ag or Biodynamic courses and workshops. Read more
On the night, many attendees also signed up for the ‘Donate a Coffee Campaign’ – you donate the value of a coffee a week as part of a regular donation to the Foundation. www.givenow.com.au/nrcfdonateacoffee has all the details.
NRCF were able to match any funds donated on the night thanks to NRCF Director Luke Barker and the Macquarie Foundation. Luke is attempting a half ironman triathlon up in Cairns to raise funds for the Foundation, and any donation is matched by Macquarie Foundation. Check out Luke’s campaign here and get behind his herculean efforts!
NRCF Chair John Callanan said, ‘I’m really grateful for the generosity in both time and money of all our donors, and also the volunteers within the community organisations that we support with our small grants.
Any individuals wanting to join this generous group of individuals, whether by donating or by providing a special skill or capability, are encouraged to contact us through our website.